Kickstarter- Further development (change of plan-ish)

As I stated previously about doing a mystery blind box figures I have decided to change this due to further research. I want to make sure my product is appealing to younger children. at first I thought doing a random box idea would add to the appeal of them i feel like it would be more suitable for slightly older children about 7+ and i want my toy series to be aimed at younger children than that. I felt the need to change it from a random blind box to just a toy series where you would know which one you are buying instead because i feel like younger children would rather choose which one they want and I want to avoid the younger child getting upset if they get a repeat. Also it would make it more likely for an adult to buy the toy for the child if they know which one the child will receive.

I still do really like the idea of a blind mystery figure series and i feel like i could incorporate this into my stretch goals. So for example if the toy line is a big hit for the younger children i could expand on the collection adding a second series more tailored towards slightly older children who would find the mystery box idea more appealing.

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