Sketches 7- Code

Our last topic for sketches is “Code”

the dictionary definition of the word “Code” is….

  1. a system for communication by telegraph, heliograph, etc., in which long and short sounds, light flashes, etc., are used to symbolize the content of a message:
    Morse code.
  2. a systematically arranged collection or compendium of laws, rules, or regulations.
  3. a word, letter, number, or other symbol used in a code system to mark, represent, or identify something



This first image is of a computer which is breaking down and all the code is coming out I thought this was an interesting concept  and I liked how it comes across like the code is exploding out of the computer because there is so much.
  This next image is of a man using Morse code I went with an old fashion looking image  because he is using an old fashion machine like during the war times. I wanted to do this because morse code was very important and used a lot back in the day.

this is my favourite concept I made. it is of the word code written in various different forms of code. I used binary, morse code, QR code and Barcodes.
  Here is quite an unusual idea I came up with what I have done is repeated the word “code” over and over again in morse code and made it start darker then get lighter and lighter making it seem like it repeats forever and ever.

This next sketch is of a lock. I did this because I wanted to bring acorss the idea of unlocking the code “Crack the Code”
   This image is also similar to the one above in the idea of “breaking the code” I decided to do a different kind of lock to show a variation in different kind of codes and locks.

 This final sketch is of a magnifying glass examining the code. this also relates to the idea of “cracking the code” as it bring across the idea of detective work and mystery who’s job it is to break the code to solve the crime.

Overall I enjoyed doing this topic, I liked exploring all the different images which can be used to show the word “Code”


Presentation feed back

Today in class we were asked to have our trailer ready to show the the rest of the class. I feel like overall our whole class created work to a very high standard and they all looked really great.

The feed back i was given about my piece was that it was well executed and it was clear a lot of work had been put into it from the 3D modeling to the editing and sound effects. One thing that was said was that it wavers between being dramatic at some parts and humorous at others, the aim of my trailer was to be funny yet subtle so i think i did a good job at bringing that across in the final piece but i do feel i should of added more funnier parts to make sure people understand that it is meant to have comedic value. I feel like over all the class and my lecturer enjoyed my final piece.

Finally i very much enjoyed this whole class and i’m very happy with my final piece and the overall reaction to my work. 🙂