More tiled textures week 3

In class this week we were asked to create a tileable texture for maybe like a game or scene. We had to choose what kind of texture we wanted to make and what kind of area it may be used in. i chose to do a rain forest texture. here is my mood board below where i was able create a colour pallet from.


Here is the first texture i created from this i wanted to make it green because of the large amount used in a rain forrest scene.


These next 4 images are of the same above but have been manipulated in different ways to add realism and depth to the texture. i used the burn tool and paint brush to do this


Here is what the texture looks like once it has been fixed with the stamp tool and made into a tileable texture.


Finally here is a quick mock up of a possible game level. this whole thing is made from different tiles one with just the original texture which has been manipulated to have a bumpy top so it is like terrain for a character to walk on. The other parts i added a monster and a rock to make it more like a game level and add some uniqueness.


i found this weeks lesson to be really helpful and it really furthered my understanding of tileable texturing and how games use this technique a lot to there advantage.

Tiled Textures

In class this week we were introduced to creating tiled textures in Photoshop and also manipulating them with different colors and making them look more grainy.

Here is the first one i did we measured everything out equally using the rulers on photoshop to make sure it would repeat easily. i then manipulated each square so they were slightly different from one another and added a background behind it all so it looked like a tiled bathroom or kitchen texture.



Moving on using the skills we learned earlier we were then given a photgraph of a pavement to turn into a tile-able texture. we used the stamp tool to make sure that we would get rid of any seams once it was repeated.


we were then given a drain to insert on top of the tileable texture i used the stamp tool again to make sure the drain would fit onto the texture without any noticeable seams.


here is what the final texture tiled looks like with the drain in it as well.


i thought this lesson was very insightful and helped me get to grips with using the stamp tool in photoshop.