Week 9-Character silhouette/ Photobashing

In class today we were taking about the idea of creating character sillouettes to get more ideas. We came with the some character features and personality and traits as a class then we did some quick sillouettes. Not going to lie I found this quite tricky to do.


Finally we quickly talked about photo bashing. Our character has 4 eyes and short hair so using photo bashing I quickly pulled togther different hair and eyes to create a really quick idea of her face.


Overall I found today’s class fun and challenging but I really do need to work more on my character sillouettes as I found that quite challenging.

Week 8- Interior design

In class this week we were looking into creating interiors using a 2point perspective. We started off with our grid lines and created a simple design of our own personal bedroom.


We then were given a grid that was already created and designed out own room from it this is what I came up with. It’s a slightly futuristic office I guess.


I really enjoyed today’s class it has made me understand 2 point perspectives a lot more now. 

Environment research

After looking into perspective drawings and thinking about how to interpretea a crystal cave into a 2 point perspective it made me realise how difficult it might be to do just a simple cave without it looking quite flat and since my aim is to really focus on the perspective I have researched environment ideas which I could potentially use which still fit the theme of it being a crystal cave.

1- Cave Entrance

Stopica cave entrance

2- Cave exit




week 7 – Pitch and Crit

Here is the feedback and criticism I received for my ideas for this class.

Character- the people really liked my idea of a crystal monster for a character but they think I should change the pose from side, back and front to a 3 quarter view as it is more professional looking and you can focus more detail into 2 parts rather than 3.Ā  Need to think about what details I could add and the back story behind him.

Vehicle- they also liked the idea of the mine cart they liked the simplicity of it as it was easy to tell the audience what its purpose was and they could see how it would relate to my character and my environment although I was told I have to be careful it isn’t to simple and if it is to make sure the line work is very good.

Environment- they thought the crystal cave idea is quite clichĆ© and over done so I have to make sure I put myĀ own mark on it and look into the details of crystals and maybe think of something related to a crystal cave but not necessary a normal crystal cave because of how many other people chose to do this.

overall I’m pretty pleased with how my pitch and crit session went and I will defiantly take into account what was said as it was very helpful especially about the character and the environment. Hopefully with this advice I can better my ideas for the final submission.

Quick environment ideas

Below are a few ideas I quickly sketched out in photoshop when I was coming up with what I wanted to create for my course work


1- Giant Crystal cave



2- City Scene



3- Mushroom house in fantasy forest



4- Rope bridge over Lava pit



5- Hills with castle in the distance





6- Fantasy forest



7- Forest scene more close up and more realistic rather than fantasy



8- Close up castle


from the range of sketches I’m going to look more into and research ideas on the fantasy forest and possibly the Crystal cave.Ā  I think these will be the most enjoyable to work on and the lighting I could create in the drawings would be really interesting and make them stand out.

