Games with Minecarts in them

Here I have researched a few games which include mine carts in it as a vehicle and game asset. I want to take inspiration from these as Iv always been a fan of the levels which you can ride in a mine cart and I want to create my own interpretation and design of a mine cart in a game.


1- Crash bandicoot series


Seen mainly in Wrath of cortex the newer game crash rides in these during normal games and to race other players.


2- Donkey kong series


a staple in the series seen throughout the years in the older games it was seen as a 2D sprite but with the newer instalments it is a fully 3D rendered vechihle which is positioned so is looks 2D because of the game play type.


3- RailRush (Mobile Game)


simple mobile game which fully revolves around the use of a mine cart to collect points.


4- Temple Run (Mobile Game)


Simular to RailRush but it only uses the mine cart for a limited time like a power up.


5- Mario kart series


Seen in certain tracks as a game object in tracks like warios mine


6- Captain toad


Used regularly in this puzzle game but in a different way from the others. the others were all racing and fast pace but Captain toad game uses them to change up the game play of the puzzles in the game and is far more slower paced.


As you can see Mine carts are a pretty big staple in a lot of game series and have been throughout the years this is why I would like to pay homage to that and design my own one.



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