Early ideas for the project

Over summer I wanted to use my new experience of my new diagnosis of MS as part of my project, I had a few ideas to create cartoon characters who had illnesses and bringing the realism of disability and illnesses which are all real and big things in the real world into the world of cartoon and creature creation. I had a look at characters in film, tv and games who have disabilities and looked at how they are portraid, many I found had very visible disabilities like being in wheelchairs and some I found were characters like dory from finding nemo who had short term memory issues where the disability was more invisible- meaning it could be quite difficult to show that in a static sculpt. What I had to figure out was how to show these disabilities from the sculpt of the characters I created.


In the end after more research and ideas I honestly went off the idea pretty quickly. I didn’t want to push the MS thing into my work, yes it was a significant thing in my life at the time of the ideas but as soon as I began to accept it more I realised I was more than that and wanted to move on to creating something that didn’t just show the MS side. I do think this is something I will peruse in the future but for now I wanted to do a fun project and take my mind off the MS while also expanding my portfolio an pushing my skills.


On to the next idea…

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