Feedback for first draft of Swamp monster.

I was given some feedback from Gordon of the model so far.

Changes to make are that the back is now too arched and the head is too forward, it is making the model look as though it is going to fall over. Gordon has suggested removing the ice cream blob behind his head and replacing that with a larger version of the head. I will see how these changed will work with the Zbrush model.Swamp monster feedback

I have began changing the model with some of the feedback and I thought I would try ut the first extreme change and personally I don’t like it, its making the creature look strange and has lost the arch in the back I really liked with this character. I will continue to make other adjustments to the head area but loosing the large icecream scoop at the back and making the head larger and more sunk in is not the way I want to build the model up.

Swamp monster head sunk feeback


Swamp monster modeling continue

After 2 days of working on the model I am really pleased with the stage it is at so far. I have sent it to Gordon for some feedback to see what he thinks of the overall form before doing any detail so I can make sure that the silhouette and overall shape is appealing and working.

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First mentor meeting with Gordon

For the first meeting we established how many models I will be creating this semester. My original idea was to get all 3 modeled then focus on texturing next semester. We have changed this plan and this semester we will work on one model from start to finish to see how long this will take me. This will make time management easier this semester and next semester. I am also to start work on the proposal and get some more books to help establish the idea more.

Beginning concept model in Zbrush

I have began modelling in Zbrush from the sketch I have created, This was made over 2 days to get the shapes and the bulk of the model shape out overall I am really happy with how the concept is going so far. There are a few things I can tell that already need improving with the models and that is how the back isnt as arched enough as I would like. I will continue to build up on this model and get some feedback from Gordon later in the week.