Kickstarter- 3D Renders of the Galaxy Gumbo figures

Today I modelled a 3D version of my figure in the software 3D Studio Max.

I started by using a sketch of a front and side view of the toy I then imported that into the software to act as a guide and to make sure that the front is in proportion to the left side. I then created a box shape and extruded faces out and manipulating the polygons  to fit with in the shape of the figure. Once I was happy with the left hand side I then used a symmetry modifier to duplicate it so that the right and left sides match up- this is how the main body shape was created. for the arms I modelled them from a capsule shape and added the hands and finally for the eyes they were made from a simple sphere shape and the mouth was another smaller capsule which was bent into a smiley face shape.


this is a wireframe version of the model.

Here are the fully rendered images from different angles I went with a purple plastic colour and for another image I tried It out with a green shade to see how it would look.






As you can see the figures are made from a shiny hard plastic and are chunky looking so it is safe for younger children to handle and put in there mouths.  I went with a simpler smooth look along with bright colours as I feel it will attract younger children more.

I only decided to make 1 version of the figure in 3D as they all follow a similar look I will be uploading final sketches of each other figure though in the future.

Kickstarter- Digital Logo Prototypes

Below is my first prototype of the logo on different backgrounds and with an outline.  I did this to see what difference it would make to the whole look and i thought it would have been a good idea to experiment with the background as it can make a big difference to the logo itself.


I have decided to go with this logo as i feel like the chunkiness of the writing and simplicity of it reflects well on the child friendly cute product i am trying to sell. I also went with this one as it was my personal favorite and it is easy to read and will appeal more to children with its bright pop arty colors.

Here is a smaller version of the logo which i will use on things like the actual toys them self ie on there foot or stomach so people know it is a genuine Galaxy Gumbo. I have gone with the same font and colours and genuinely followed the same theme as I want people to know that it is by the same company. I will also use this version of the logo on things such as letters in the top corner and other things when a smaller logo is better.


My logo will be used on my business card and other various advertising things to promote my business.  I feel like this logo will be really great for captivating clients as its very memorable and quirky.

Kickstarter- Research into buisness card sizes

Once I have come with a finalized logo and have made have made it digitally it will be used on my business cards and various other print media to promote my product and company.

I have done some research into typical sizes of business cards and other print media I could use to advertise my business.

The typical UK size for an average sized business card is 85 mm wide x 55 mm high. This size is almost the same as a regular credit or debit card – meaning it will easily fit into a wallet or purse. Another size of business card is 91 mm x 61 mm. This extra 3mm is commonly known as ‘bleed’ and is cut off to ensure a crisp, accurate edge once your card is finished.

Here are 2 diagrams to better show of the sizes.

standard-uk-business-card-size business-card-size-with-3mm-bleed

This makes a business card very handy to pass out to people as they are small and easily portable and clients are more likely to take your business more seriously as it brings across the idea of professionalism. They are also very convenient for me to create and distribute as they are cheap to produce and many can be made at multiple times making costs low and efficient all together making this a very good way to advertise my company and its product.

Kickstarter- logo ideas

here are a few sketches/ ideas for potential logos as you can see I have called my product “Galaxy Gumbo”. I chose this becuase I wanted a quirky cute name which would appeal to young children also my figures are ment to be like aliens so the name fits them as well. 

For these logos I went with a cute chunky look which looks child friendly and simple.
 For these logos I went for a retro sci-fi look which fits the alien figures.

Finally my last ideas are tying the cute and sci-fi look together I wanted to turn the “O” in the Gumbo part into a cute character so that the logo is more remberable and attracts young children.
When I finally chose my logo I will take it into photoshop and work on it adding bright colours and making it look more eye catching.

Kickstarter- Examples of products i like / Research

Here below are a few other examples that are similar to my project. I have taken inspiration from them but have made sure not to totally copy the idea as I want to make mine euniqe and new.


Dunny by kidrobot What I like about these products as that they all follow the same basic shape which is like a rabbit but all have there own unique designs. What I also like about these is the element of suprise you get from them as they are also mystery blind figures and they have a range of rarity for each one. This product is for ages 16 and above as it is more of an adult toy collection due to smaller parts and also the nature of the art style on them isn’t very child friendly.

tadcarpenter_dunny1 kidrobot-dunny-series-2012-hqtr kidrobot-dunny-series-5-2

Minecraft figures

Minecraft mystery figures What I like about these is the bright colours and pixely design they have which makes them really eye catching and appealing to children. The one thing I dislike about this product is the actual size of the product. It’s far to small for very young children as it can act as a choking hazard.

minecraft minecraft-minecraft-netherrack-series-3-mini-figure-mystery-box-mattel-toys-10

GoGo Crazy bones.

i really like the odd looking design of these figures, they also come in a wide range of bright and attractive colours. What i like about these figures as that they are very simple as well like they all come in one piece and have no extra parts which is what i want to do with my figures as well. i also like the fact that they look very child friendly as in the designs are aimed at children and aren’t as complex as more maturer collectors figures like the dunnys above. The thing i don’t like about this product is the size of them as they are too small for my target market of young children so this product is more suitable for 7+.

Charactersobones gogos gogos-mostwanted-1

What i also really like about GoGos is the fact they have a massive range of figures in each series. in each series there are 80 different figures and 5 very rare ones they have 7 series in total and also a few side series which are special edition.

Moshi Monsters

A product that is very simular to the GoGos are the moshi monsters. these are more taylored towards younger children becuase of there cute designs. alothough they are very small the original series the same company has come out with larger figures and a whole range of other products such as plushies which are more appropriate for younger children. What i really like about Moshi Monsters is that they have a large series and also expanded into other products with the same characters which is what i could do with my project as a stretch goal in the future.

maxresdefault moshi-monsters-soft-toys-78150 Srs_8

Overall you can see I have gone figures that have a bright colour palette and a unique quirky shapes. I want my own figures to follow this sort of style while at the same time still being unique and also making sure it is safe for younger children to play with and not be a choking hazard so my product would be a lot bigger and made with a safe plastic.

Kickstarter- Further development (change of plan-ish)

As I stated previously about doing a mystery blind box figures I have decided to change this due to further research. I want to make sure my product is appealing to younger children. at first I thought doing a random box idea would add to the appeal of them i feel like it would be more suitable for slightly older children about 7+ and i want my toy series to be aimed at younger children than that. I felt the need to change it from a random blind box to just a toy series where you would know which one you are buying instead because i feel like younger children would rather choose which one they want and I want to avoid the younger child getting upset if they get a repeat. Also it would make it more likely for an adult to buy the toy for the child if they know which one the child will receive.

I still do really like the idea of a blind mystery figure series and i feel like i could incorporate this into my stretch goals. So for example if the toy line is a big hit for the younger children i could expand on the collection adding a second series more tailored towards slightly older children who would find the mystery box idea more appealing.

Kickstarter- What is my Kickstarter project?

My idea for my kickstarter project is to do a collectible toy for children.  I want to create a series of small figures that come in bright appealing packaging as I want them to be what are known as “blind Figures”. What I mean by that is that it is a surprise which figure you will get in the box. Each figure will have a different rarity so it is harder to get certain ones whiles others are very common. I think this will add to the figures appeal as it adds the element of surprise and promotes the idea of trading with other people to collect them all.  I want to have around 8 different figures to start with so that there is a wide range to get people going. Each toy will also have their own unique design and shape so that people are more likely to collect them all and to also attract a wider audience.

I have taken inspiration from other blind toys series which are very popular among adult collectors and are more targeted towards art toy collectors because of their high price and mature design. What I propose to do to make mine different is to aim mine at young children. So that means making sure they aren’t too small so it is a choking hazard and that the paint and materials used on them is safe for them, also the designs for the toys will appeal more to young children with bright colours and chunky shape which will attract both male and female.  The figures them self’s will be alien creatures. I feel it is better to do this so that they don’t have a specific gender or are an animal so it appeals to both sexes, and also it adds a more creative side to them if the child themselves comes up with what they think they are, also I think that the designs for each figure can be more unique and quirky.

Below is a first idea sketch I came up with.

I want the figures to be about 3-4 inches tall and will be quite chunky so they don’t pose as a choking risk. I also don’t want to make them much bigger than that as the cost to manufacturing would cost more and I feel it would be more difficult to trade if they were bigger.