Final Pieces

Finally I began putting everything together and creating my final sheets which explain in depth different parts of each thing with pull outs and annotations.









FINAL PDF – final-pdf-for-submission

Reflection-  Overall I am really happy with how my work has turned out this semester. One piece I like the most and feel I did best is my final render for my character. I really like the detail I got in it with the rocks and shading on the crystals and I like the overall design too. One piece I’m not too pleased about is my mine cart. I struggled a lot with the vehicle design part of this module as I don’t particularly enjoy it, I feel like my mine cart is a bit simple for what was expected but I didn’t realise what was needed of us for that part until it was to late to change my idea so I had to stick with what I had produced and concentrate on other parts.

I very much enjoyed this class this year and have learned lots of different Photoshop techniques and rendering techniques which will defiantly help me in my future work.